Monday, April 3, 2023

Blog 7: EOTO Technology presentations

     In class today, everyone presented the history of different technologies and their impact on society. One thing that I found especially fascinating is how each individual technology progressed within itself. For example, the television went from being big and boxy to now being flat-screened. It's also crazy to think about how much technology has progressed. Seeing the presentation of the light bulb reminded me that the invention meant so much back then but now we barely think about turning on a light, it is just part of our everyday lives. This is true for many other technologies like paper or printing. 

    One presentation that caught my eye was the one on Netflix. I learned that Netflix wasn't always a streaming service. The presenter, Abby Holmes, described how Netflix used to sell and rent DVDs by mail. This was very interesting to me because as long as I can remember Netflix has been a streaming service and so I assumed that it always has been, however, the streaming service didn't come out until 2007 and Netflix was founded in 1997 according to Holmes. Netflix's streaming service really has changed the world as Holmes said. In today's society, hardly anyone buys DVDs or watches TV on cable. Everyone I know uses Disney+, Netflix, Paramount, Hulu, and HBO max to watch movies and television shows. 

    Another presentation that resonated with me was the one on YouTube created by my group member Amaris. I personally use YouTube every day. It is so easy to get lost in videos of other people in order to forget about the world and life around you. It is also much shorter to watch a YouTube video than to watch a movie or episodes of a show. This makes it easier to catch the attention span of people in this generation because it has gotten shorter and shorter over the years due to technology. Something new I learned because of Amaris' presentation is that YouTube was originally created for people to introduce themselves and share what they are interested in. YouTube has evolved so much since that original concept because there are many videos out there for so many different audiences. It is crazy that people can make a career out of recording what they enjoy doing whether it's their daily lives, playing video games, trying new food, exploring, etc. 

Technology has truly changed the world. 

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Blog 12: Final Blog Post

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